It was a short lecture on desire. Desire is something that drives people in life, desire can be created or inherent desire. Created desire is something that differs from individual. Some examples are money, materials, belongings, knowledge, freedom, traveling.
Inherent desire is unavoidable for living. Some examples are food, shelter, survival, sex and love.
The most interesting part that we discussed in the class is that power can be both created and inherent desire. Killing is created desire and serial killer killing is inherent desire. Understanding inherent desire helps to prosper in created desire. The things that made me think after the lecture is that humans struggle for their inherent desire. When it gets satisfied people start looking for created desire which is limitless.
The most inspiring thought that I noticed in this lecture is how small the earth is in this vast galaxy. How small is a human inside this earth. But for a person our desires and our life and thoughts are more that the size of the galaxy. 

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